Gado Gado

(For 10 servings)


Tools: Salad Machine, Grand Gourmet/ 7 Qt Wok


200 gr sliced cabbage
200 gr broccoli florets, cut into pieces
200 gr cauliflower florets, cut into pieces
1 pcs chayote, cut with Saladmaster cone #3
2 pcs sliced bitter gourd
2 pcs carrots, cut into Saladmaster cone #3
2 pcs sweet corn, shelled
2 bunch horenzo
450 gr Fry tempe and make it like dice
1 pcs Fry Chinese tofu and make it like dice
10 grains Boil chicken eggs


Seasoning, puree:

200 gr Roasted Almonds
200 gr Fried roasted peanuts
200 gr Fried cashew nuts
100 gr Red chili pepper
200 gr Palm sugar
15 sheets lime leaves, discard the bones of the leaves
4 buah Lime, Take lime juice.
2 tbsp tamarind water
2 tsp salt



How to make:

1. Arrange vegetables in Grand Gourmet. Cook over medium heat.

2. After the vapor valve clicks, reduce the heat, and cook for another 7 minutes. Lift.

3. Put vegetables, tofu, and tempeh in a serving bowl, and sprinkle with spices.

4. Serve with boiled eggs.


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